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how to help

You can help animals and Alianima in many ways.
Choose the one that best suits your moment!

como ajudar Imagem: Freepik
  • Support the animal cause in your daily life.

    Pay close attention to the origin of the food you consume and avoid the purchase of products that cause unnecessary suffering to animals and environmental damage. These are small acts that contribute to accelerating the adoption of practical improvements in the lives of these individuals, in addition to helping industries adopt more sustainable production systems. For those who can choose what to consume, this support is essential!

    Find out about Observatório Animal
  • Donate to Alianima

    Your donation helps our work to positively impact the animals that are currently exploited by the food industry. Our premise is a transparent dialogue with our donors, demonstrating through our transparency reports the origin of resources and how they are spent.

    Donate now
  • Share our contents

    We produce content to raise awareness and engage society about the reality of animals used in factory farming, in addition to promoting greater awareness of food ethics and socio-environmental justice with our materials. Our cause becomes more powerful the more people are informed about the topics we work on. Follow us on our social media and spread our content around!

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  • Be an activist

    It is possible to become an activist for the animal cause within your reality and in a way you can contribute.
    We have some activities that can be carried out digitally, in the comfort of your home, as we know the power of social media to mobilize people. If you prefer, you can also get involved within your university or work. Fill out our form and let us know your preference.

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