Egg production in Brazil
0 bi
eggs produced per year
0 mi
of them raised in cages
Fonte: ABPA 2024 - ano referência 2023
aren't you
Almost all hens raised to produce eggs for human consumption spend their entire lives in stacked cages (battery cages).
This type of farming prioritizes only economic efficiency, disregarding the fact that birds suffer greatly in these conditions.
the suffering of hens
in battery cages
Lack of space and resources
Extremely uncomfortable, each hen has less space than an A4 sheet of paper, which prevents them from walking, spreading their wings, laying eggs in nests, perching, pecking or socially interacting satisfactorily.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Injuries and bone problems
The cage floor is perforated, causing discomfort and injuries to the hens' feet. The lack of movement in birds leads to weaker bones that are more susceptible to fractures.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Crowded conditions facilitate the spread of diseases, especially respiratory ones, such as bird flu.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Behavioral disorders
The monotonous environment harms the mental health of the birds. They tend to peck each other, leading to feather loss, serious injuries, and even death.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Debeaking or beak trimming
To prevent birds from pecking each other, the tips of their beaks are mutilated with a hot iron or infrared radiation, which can cause a lot of pain. When this procedure is poorly performed, it can deform their beaks to the point of making it difficult or even impossible for them to eat.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Dead birds
It is common to find deceased birds decomposing alongside the living ones, accompanied by infestations of larvae and adult flies, emitting a foul odor and creating an unhealthy environment.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Chick culling
For egg production, only females are needed, so all male chicks are killed in non-humane ways as soon as they are born, such as through crushing, incineration or starvation.
Imagem: We Animals Media e Sinergia Animal
Understand once and for all the
difference between the types of farming:
Alianima works to get hens out of cages.
To achieve this, we work collaboratively with producers, the food industry and government authorities, ensuring animal welfare policies that promote the exclusive use and sale of cage-free eggs.
All of our work has a technical-scientific basis, supported by a team of experts specialized in animal welfare.
Learn about some of our approaches:
- Negotiation with companies to publish cage-free commitments (Find out which ones have already committed)
- Monitoring and provision of technical support for committed companies
- Free training on laying hens’ welfare for companies (schedule here)
- Development of technical materials
- Lectures at Universities (schedule here)
egg watch report
Access the transparency ranking regarding Brazilian supermarkets in relation to the cage-free commitment.