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Transform the lives of billions of animals
exploited by factory farming

doe Imagem: Freepik


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Your donation helps our work to positively impact the animals that are currently exploited by the food industry.

Do you have any questions before donating? We will answer you here!

  • Yes, this is a secure and encrypted environment. You can confirm it by checking the padlock next to the link in your browser.

  • In Brazil, billions of animals are exploited by the food industry every year, which also causes serious damage to the climate and human health. Alianima needs your donation to continue the work to improve the welfare of these animals. Resources are used in different ways and are all listed on our Transparency page. Your donation is essential because we do not accept government resources for our campaigns, always aiming for our independence and impartiality.

  • Yes. Our pix key is our CNPJ.
    Pix Key: 35947301000101.
    The recipient's name will be Alianima.

  • Yes. You can update the details of your recurring donation directly in your account, and the information will be sent to the provided email.

  • Yes. The receipt is automatically issued when the donation is made through the tool. If the donation is via pix, you can request a receipt by email at

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