expanding the animal cause
Promoting the welfare of animals exploited on factory farms is a serious issue with several transversal aspects.
Alianima is a non-governmental animal protection organization that works for better living conditions for animals exploited on factory farms, in addition to promoting the public interest in fairer and more responsible food systems.
We are a diverse and inclusive organization, made up of a team of multidisciplinary professionals with a female leadership, in addition to being supported by a large network of organizations and institutions that contribute to strengthening our campaigns.
why do we exist?
exorbitant number of animals
exploited in Brazilian factory farming
billion broilers
slaughtered per year -
million hens housed
in the egg industry -
million pigs
slaughtered per year -
thousand tons of fish raised
in fish farms per year -
of Brazilian territory is occupied
by agricultural activities
References: ABPA, IBGE and Peixe BR. Reference year: 2022.
what moves us
Considering that many animal species are sentient, that is, capable of feeling and suffering, we argue that human interests should not be the only ones taken into consideration. A fair and compassionate society includes these individuals as morally relevant beings, not as mere tools or property.
Effective Pragmatism
Our scope focuses on actions against the worst factory farming practices, with the aim of promoting gradual improvements for animals in the short and medium terms, even if they do not immediately bring ideal results. In this context, we are dealing with billions of animals in critical situations, so small advances make a difference in their lives.
We must always take a constructively critical look at our habits and lifestyle, in order to align them with the availability of resources, while considering their impact on other individuals (humans or not). Whether in food, clothing, entertainment or interaction with nature, it is necessary to understand that we are directly responsible for the consequences of our actions, thus enabling us to make better choices
Socio-Environmental Justice
There is no way to talk about building a fairer world without considering social inequalities. All groups, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or social class, must have the same right to access a dignified and healthy life. We support family farming, aspects of ecofeminism and the dignified treatment of indigenous peoples, while rejecting environmental racism and “nutricide”.