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expanding the animal cause

Promoting the welfare of animals exploited on factory farms is a serious issue with several transversal aspects.

ampliando a causa animal Imagem: Freepik


Alianima is a non-governmental animal protection organization that works for better living conditions for animals exploited on factory farms, in addition to promoting the public interest in fairer and more responsible food systems.

We are a diverse and inclusive organization, made up of a team of multidisciplinary professionals with a female leadership, in addition to being supported by a large network of organizations and institutions that contribute to strengthening our campaigns.

Alianima Imagem: Freepik

why do we exist?

exorbitant number of animals
exploited in Brazilian factory farming

  • bilhões de frangos abatidos por ano


    billion broilers
    slaughtered per year

  • milhões de galinhas alojadas na indústria de ovos


    million hens housed
    in the egg industry

  • milhões de suínos abatidos por ano


    million pigs
    slaughtered per year

  • mil toneladas de peixes criados em piscicultura por ano


    thousand tons of fish raised
    in fish farms per year

  • do território brasileiro é ocupado por atividades agropecuárias


    of Brazilian territory is occupied
    by agricultural activities

References: ABPA, IBGE and Peixe BR. Reference year: 2022.

the road is long,
but not impossible

o caminho é longo, mas não é impossível Find out about our campaigns

what moves us


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