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suínos em família


They are intelligent, curious and sociable animals, yet the pork industry does not see them this way.

suínos em família Imagem: Freepik


Pork production in Brazil

  • de porcos abatidos ao ano

    0 mi

    pigs slaughtered per year

  • de porcas reprodutoras

    0 mi

    breeding sows

  • maior produtor e exportador do mundo


    largest producer and exporter in the world

Fonte: ABPA 2024 - ano referência 2023

how are sows and their piglets treated?

As another industry that confines animals, pig farming treats sows as mere pork production machines and subjects piglets to mutilation in the first days of their lives.

Understand this indigestible reality so we can extend our help to them.

Imagem: Freepik

reproduction in confinement

piglets: pain since birth

how to change this scenario?

  • Collective pens

    In addition to offering more comfort, the ban on individual crates allows for socialization and environmental exploration.

    Baias Coletivas Imagem: Freepik
  • Humanized piglet handling

    ● Perform immunocastration (painless method) or use anesthetics;
    ● Ban teeth clipping;
    ● Ban tail docking, or cut a maximum of ⅓ using anesthetics;
    ● Ban ear notching and use alternative methods such as tattooing, ear tags or microchips.

    Manejo humanizado de leitões Imagem: Freepik


Alianima works to improve the lives of pigs.

To achieve this, we work collaboratively with producers, the food industry and government authorities, ensuring animal welfare policies that address the points above.

All of our work has a technical-scientific basis, supported by a team of experts specialized in animal welfare.

Learn about some of our approaches:

Observatório Animal

conscious consumers demand more transparent industries

Learn more

Access the 5th edition of the Pig Watch

Acesse a 5ª edição do Observatório Suíno


Your collaboration strengthens our work in favor of animals.

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