Philosophical thinking that considers humans superior to nature and other beings is harmful and deserves to be actively confronted in the coming years.
If you’ve never heard of this concept, you better catch up, because we’re ingrained in it down to our last hair. Hair that was washed with shampoo packaged in non-recyclable plastic, tested on animals, and full of microplastics in its composition that go down drains and pollute rivers and oceans, which affects entire ecosystems and, ultimately, life on Earth. Did you find it complex? In addition to being a concept, anthropocentrism has also been humanity’s modus operandi for centuries – but it’s past time to reflect on a new model of coexistence, don’t you think?
“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo
Anthropocentrism is a conception that places humans as the central and only holders of a moral position, and is therefore always treated as a priority. This holds that human life has intrinsic value (value in itself), while other entities (including non-human animals, plants and the like) are perceived as instrumental resources that can be justifiably exploited for the benefit of humanity.
This way of seeing and living life has led to the exploitation of natural resources and other individuals beyond the maximum limit of the Earth’s capacity, disregarding the value and interests of everything that is not human. And humans, as we know, consume a lot with a lot of social inequality, produce more than is necessary and quickly (and incorrectly) discard everything that no longer meets their interests and needs. It is no wonder that we have experienced so many global catastrophes, climate changes and epidemics – in the Anthropocene era, irresponsible human activities shoot everywhere, including our own feet.
Furthermore, this toxic worldview leads humans to draw distinctions between animal species, which we call speciesism . For example, most humans would not like to see their dogs treated the way pigs are treated in the food industry , even though pigs are capable of feeling the same pain and suffering as canines. Doesn’t this view seem, at the very least, contestable?
Reproduction DOPE MAganiz /Art by Want Some Studio
Here’s a reflection: is anthropocentrism an attitude that we should nurture in 2022?
We at Alianima strongly believe that this is not the case and, therefore, we continue to act against this way of being in the world. We resist to coexist! Let’s go together in this?